11 April 2007

minor setbacks

Over the weekend I dropped my phone in a cup of coffee so now it shuts off when someone tries to call. This is fine because I get nervous and say idiotic things to everyone besides Charles & my mother. If there's something you need to tell me -- if you're getting married, if you want your sweater back or would like to know if I'll go throw rocks in the river with you, you'll have to send word by peregrine falcon. I'll be watching the western sky.


The optometrist is awfully young & cool. I want desperately to impress her by reading the tiny bottom row correctly, but she doesn't sound impressed when she tells me that I have the beginning of a corneal ulcer. It should be okay if you wear your glasses for awhile she says. Now my vanity is forcing me to choose between how I see and how I look, because I look monumentally dweeby with them and walk into walls without them. Clementine believes that there is no one so hideous that the perfect pair of glasses won't smarten them right up; she has predicated her yes to many a suitor based on this theory. I like brainy-looking boys as much as the next girl and Squirrel looks downright fetching when she wears her glasses. There is a good, thick line between brainy and dweeby, however, and anyone without a corneal ulcer can clearly see that I am on the unfortunate side.

When I woke up 3 hours before my alarm this morning, this is what I should've done:
1. Bake bread
2. Run 4 miles
3. Fold laundry or at least iron clothes for today
4. Write good poem about change, loss, contentment, hope, apples, etc.
5. Pray for my enemies
6. Change lightbulb in closet
Instead.............I read a book that I already know by heart. Right up until the very last minute. Which is why I was rooting around in the dark closet for shoes when it was time to catch the bus. Which is why I grabbed one shoe of Squirrel's and one shoe of mine.
Both black, high heels. Same size. One with a 2.5" heel, one with a 3" heel
Which is why I'm barefoot under my desk.


Anonymous said...

I love your writing! I've been looking at your blog for a few months and I really enjoy your prose and poetry, especially this entry and the sister poem. You're making me want to start writing again...(thanks to Jessie at UmbrellaLove for referring me here).

kls said...

Thank you Rachel. I met Jessie once, very late on a cold snowy night. She got out of bed to eat apples and cheese with us - it was grand and she is lovely. Pleased to meet you, through her.