18 April 2007

melange melancholia

I watched a pigeon die on the early morning street.
A very old & falling down man shuffled up and looked on too.
A'int it awful to watch something suffer at the end?

If you take a hammer and you break it into little pieces,
I mean, just smash the living daylights out of the thing,
can you sift through the rubble and find the bits of fact
that held it together in the first place.

I woke up crying last night after dreaming that
dogs were chasing me through the woods
while my friends and the trees stood there, laughing.

Tomorrow is my friend's birthday and
I'm sad that I'm not there to bid her well and say
maybe we should take back all those days
we wished too hard for time to pass.

Please isn't enough. But I'm saying it anyways.
please. please.

These are pleas.

1 comment:

jacob said...

april showers bring may flowers.